Dear Colleagues, First and most importantly, I hope you and your families are healthy and safe. I know that these are unprecedented times and we are all being asked to step into uncharted territory. As CIS Managing Director, right now my thoughts are with every member of the CIS community and the security industry at large, as we continue to confront the evolving global challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our lives. The business continuity plan we have in place is robust and yet flexible, as it must adapt to varying scenarios.
Our aim is to demonstrate a clear commitment to our clients to maintain operations run smoothly whilst adhering to the guidance and restrictions of the Government. We have liaised with industry organisations and government institutions, which resulted into our Security Officers, Managers and Supervisors being legally designated as key workers. We have implemented remote working practices where we can and are responding daily to this ever-evolving scenario. We have provided additional safety equipment to our teams and enrolled all employees into an Employee assistance Program.
Across all our sites and at our Head Office, our people are doing an excellent job, they are valued, and we have forwarded them clear guidance on social distancing and how to keep safe during these times. It seems glib to say Business as Normal, but I have been astounded by the attendance levels of our teams that have allowed us to still deliver every part of our service. In such uncertain times, community really matters. It especially matters in a period when we are being advised to practice physical isolation. As we work through these difficult days, we should remember that what we are denied now is physical contact, not social closeness. Distance is a matter of simple geometry, from point A to point B. I have been immensely moved by how everyone has come together and supported one another in ways that up until a couple of months ago sounded unbelievable. Moments of crisis like this test us all—they test us as individuals, they test us as colleagues, and they test us as an organisation. I could not be more grateful to see how the entire CIS family has come together. To all our colleagues, I want to say a big thank you for your hard work, understanding, patience, collegiality, commitment, generosity, and can-do attitude. There is no doubt that NOW is the time for all of us to do our part to curb the spread of COVID-19.
[watch the video below!]