
Latest news, comments and information from CIS Security

OSPAs 2024

OSPAs 2024

24 Feb 2024
CIS Annual Awards 2023

CIS Annual Awards 2023, what a night to remember, so many great achievements and rewards packed all in one amazing night.

15 Jan 2024
Irish Security Industry Association

We have recently become members of the Irish Security Industry Association

19 Jun 2024
Silver Fox Award 2023

CIS Security Limited has achieved the Silver Fox Award 2023

4 Mar 2024
Youth Group Partners with CIS Security in a Promising Step Towards Becoming Youth Verified

Youth Group Partners with CIS Security in a Promising Step Towards Becoming Youth Verified

15 Jan 2024
The City Security Article of the Year Award 2022

City Security Article of the Year Award Winners 2022

31 May 2023
OSPAs 2023

OSPAs 2023

24 Feb 2023
CIS Annual Awards 2022

Our biggest awards night yet, watch the fantastic night here!

12 Dec 2022
BCP Information

Here is our latest BCP Information update.

8 Nov 2022
Close Protection – how to be seen, but not noticed

Close protection. What does this mean and what does this involve exactly?

23 Aug 2022
CIS Annual Awards 2021

CIS Awards Night is back, just as we know it! Have a look at how it all unravelled

7 Dec 2021
April 2021 | Stress Awareness Month

In April we are talking about a common condition: stress and how at CIS we are going to the extra mile to offer support to our people.

8 Mar 2021
Inspiring Citizenship

We Care. We Listen. We Engage.

9 Mar 2021
The HUB | More than a management system

In a cloud world, data is no longer confined to piles of sheets or desktop files.

8 Feb 2021
What being part of the City Security Council means

We live in a time and age where partnerships between private security and police are critical to prevent terrorism and ensure public safety.

29 Jan 2021
CIS Armed Forces Community Forum

Being a proud supporter of the Armed Forces Covenant, our commitment is to make the transitioning from military to civilian life an easy and smooth process.

19 Jan 2021
CIS Annual Awards 2020

The pandemic didn't prevent us from holding our legendary ceremony. Have a look at how we did it!

1 Dec 2020
Steve Hall is CIS new Director Corporate Strategy

Steve Hall has been appointed CIS new Director Corporate Strategy. What does it mean for CIS?

18 Nov 2020
5 things you didn't know about CCTV

First off, what does CCTV stand for? And how are CCTV cameras useful for security?

3 Nov 2020
National Customer Service Week 2020 | What true leadership means

By championing customer service in the boardroom, we are proud to stand as leaders, not bosses.

8 Oct 2020
The New Cool

Our pool of Five Star Response Officers are here to provide exceptional customer excellence and state-of-the-art security.

24 Sep 2020
CIS Chauffeur | Your Designated Driver is here

Our purpose is to provide to all security needs under one roof. Understanding that security is not just about operations, we have developed a brand new corporate service.

8 Sep 2020
NSI Gold Standard - again!

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is the organisation responsible for regulating the private security industry. Established in 2003 under the terms of the Private Security Industry Act 2001, it's an independent body reporting to the Home Secretary.

17 Jul 2020
By Your Side

The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has shown us that the mode of doing business has changed, the way of schooling has changed and so have the ways of interacting with people and communicating.

6 Jul 2020
Private security during a global pandemic | What lies ahead?

Jon Felix BSc(Hons) MDIP MBCI MSyl, CIS Risk Advisor, has talked us through the key aspects security must face in a brand new world.

2 Jun 2020
Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 | Our Commitment

The week commencing from the 18th May marks the start of the Mental Health Awareness Week.

20 May 2020
Why is the security sector being ignored by Governments during this emergency (or is it)?

When Security experts from the UK, the US, Canada and Ireland get together, the result is an incredibly interesting virtual round table.

29 Apr 2020
Earth Day 2020 - Leading the way

Every year, on 22nd April, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. 

22 Apr 2020
FLEX - Focus Learning Education EXperience

As communities become increasingly diversified, it is becoming even more important for companies to create and implement equity and inclusion frameworks.

17 Feb 2020
CIS Annual Awards 2019

Good companies say thank you to their people. We organise gala nights for them. CIS Annual Awards 2019 have been exceptional!

28 Nov 2019
Mental Health Day 2019 | Our focus

Our pledge is to raise awareness on wellbeing and eliminate any stigma and discrimination against mental health issues and social minorities, in order to achieve a more inclusive work environment and an educated workforce.

10 Oct 2019
Women in Security - Meet Runa!

We interviewed Runa, Security Supervisor based at Islington Square, new to the security industry we asked her a few questions about what being a woman working in security means to her and why.

24 Sep 2019
Our brand-new branding

In the last few months, we have been working hard to upgrade CIS branding and make it fresher, younger and more appealing to a wider audience.

27 Aug 2019
National Armed Forces Day 2019 - We interviewed Steve, former RAF Corporal

The Royal Air Force upholds a tradition of professionalism, excellence and rich heritage as one of the world’s leading and most respected air arms.

1 Jul 2019
National Armed Forces Day 2019 - We interviewed Damar, former Gurkha soldier

The word ‘Gurkha’ is known as the synonym for ‘Bravery’, ‘Gallantry’ and ‘Excellence’ in the warfare and specially is famous in the Indian and British military history for the last 200 years.

28 Jun 2019
National Armed Forces Day 2019 - We interviewed Lee, former Sergeant

Being a Security company, we have close ties with former members of police and the Armed Forces. The annual National Armed Forces Day on 29th June is a chance for us to shed some light on what serving in the Army and moving from military to civilian life means.

27 Jun 2019
Soaring the sky for a good cause

Would you jump out of a plane? Amanda McCloskey lived to tell and sky-dived like a pro for a very good cause!

29 May 2019
Women in Security - Meet Ana!

We interviewed Ana, Security Officer based at Regent’s University and we asked her a few questions about what being a woman working in security means.

10 May 2019
Our 50th anniversary bash

CIS leaps into our next half a century in great style! We celebrated our 50th Anniversary (can you believe it?) with a great party at The Amba Hotel.

1 May 2019
CIS Win 3 OSPAs including Outstanding Contract Security Company 2019

Thursday night was a night to remember for Team CIS. Having been shortlisted for five awards, we were thrilled to walk away with no less than three OSPA trophies.

5 Mar 2019
CIS's 50th Anniversary - Ken Palmer Reflects on the History of the Security Industry

CIS is on the brink of an impressive 50 years in the security business and, as part of the programme of activities to celebrate this history, Cathy Deegan interviewed Ken Palmer.

26 Feb 2019
CIS Interview: From Apprentice to Award WInner - Erasmus Ndume

I am really enjoying my work at the moment and learning a lot so I am living in the now like most people my age. I do however aspire to be a Director one day.

27 Nov 2018
CIS Interview: From Apprentice to Award Winner - Casey Beattie

It was a pretty good feeling being able to tick off each assessment I had done and feeling like I was progressing. I love ticking things off my list and the process is really like that.

27 Nov 2018
CIS Office redesign latest: Inspiring our Staff and Turning Award Judges Heads

CIS has been undergoing a physical and digital transformation in the last year. Our Head Office has been renovated in parallel an IT system redesign.

25 Oct 2018
CIS Snapshot: NSI Gold Certification Gleams for CIS Security

CIS Security have been consistently high scorers in the SIA Approved Contractor Scheme for many years. The Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) provides a recognised hallmark of quality within the private security industry.

25 Oct 2018